Me and my cats, we are like the bestest of friends ever. See, I have two cat friends, Kahlua and Guinness. (Yeah, Mama and Dada really love their special grown up drinks or something). Guinness is big and black and Kahlua is small and brown and they have such nice soft fur I just LOVE to give them great big hugs! Sometimes they even hold still and we have great big long hugging sessions until they go meow and run away. But I know when they say meow what they really mean is "chase me!" So I do. The best place to chase them is through my tunnel. We can go through the tunnel over and over and over. My cats love me SO much. We have this awesome history. They helped me learn how to walk and how to crawl and they just love every bit more that I can move and play with them!
Me and Kahula, last year. See how upset she is that I can't reach her yet? |
Me and Guinness a few months ago. He really loves to let me pet him, can't you tell? |
The latest thing I do that my cats absolutely love is trying to offer them my toys and food. I mean, they don't really seem to enjoy the cookies I try to give them, but I know it's just because they haven't tasted them yet. I'll just keep trying. And now I know they really love that I can reach up to where they like to sit like on the dining room table or the bed and try to share my toys. Check out this video of how much Kahlua loves it when I offer her my stacking cup, so much so that she has to go contemplate how much she loves me from her perch on the mantle in the dining room. (I love watching her jump up there -- I know she does it just to show off for me!)
It is really awesome having my cats around! I know they just can't wait until I'm big enough to pick them up and carry them around!
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