You are not going to believe where I went this morning... a real, live, honest to goodness CONSTRUCTION SITE! It is so close to my house -- just a few blocks -- and it is the COOLEST THING EVER! I mean, there are bulldozers, and excavators, and dump trucks, and rollers, and dirt -- great big hills of dirt, and I have gone there EVERY DAY THIS WEEK! You know why? Because my Mama and Dada and AuntK are the coolest people in the whole wide world and they love me and take me there whenever I want! Well, almost whenever, but good enough.

The first day my Mama walked by there after work and all the trucks were sleeping, and I thought, well, that's kind of neat, Mama. The big trucks and motorcycles and stuff that were driving down the road next to the site were, frankly, much cooler. But then the next day, my AuntK took me and you know what? The trucks were MOVING! They were digging and lifting and moving big piles of dirt all over the place! So when my Mama got home I tried to tell her what happened -- I said "excavator, bulldozer, dirt!" and led her to the gate so I could show her. We went for a walk, but you know what, the trucks were SLEEPING again! Lazy trucks! It wasn't even dark yet, and I wasn't tired, but they were all sleeping, just like in my book
Good Night, Good Night, Construction Site (which is one of my absolute favorite books ever), but it was so EARLY! And I wanted to show my Mama how the trucks moved so much! It was the same the next day too -- they were moving and working when my AuntK took me, but not when my Mama did. How could my Mama ever know what the trucks were doing?

So, finally, today, my Mama and Dada took me first thing in the morning, and they got to see all the trucks too! And there was this one excavator that was working right up near the edge of the site and we got to get SO CLOSE! We got to see him digging and moving dirt and putting it in a dump truck! It was so loud, and super cool! And then we just watched for a while, and saw all these different trucks move the dirt all over the construction site. Mama told me they are going to put buildings there! I just can't wait to see it! I love construction sites!
All this excitement totally wore me out!